Practise your ‘do-re-mi’s’ – It’s Go Caroling Day!
Go Caroling Day is celebrated on 20 December, here is the history behind this day and the lyrics to two favorites to get you singing
With Christmas just five days away, many are feeling the festive spirit, and what better way to celebrate than going caroling? 20 December is Go Caroling Day!
The history of Go Caroling Day
Caroling has a long history in the world, possibly dating back to before Christmas and having evolved into a religious practice from much older roots.
This is not surprising given that singing has long been a form of religious observance, and religious hymns are not a new way of honoring one’s faith.
The term ‘caroling’ is used to reference those songs and traditions of Christmas.
For many years it was a heavily practiced tradition that many people eagerly took part in.
People would either eagerly await the arrival of carolers or by joining in the Christmas spirit and singing too.
Wassailing was a similar tradition in many ways, but it was used to travel to orchards and other places where cider was produced.
Singing to the trees was thought to promote a good harvest for the year and was almost exclusively practiced in England.
Here are a few carols to sing this Go Caroling Day
Away in a Manger
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars in the sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle ’til morning is nigh.
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yule-tide gay
From now on your troubles will be miles away
Here were are as in olden days happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us to gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.
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