New water levy: Now activists call for a boycott of the additional charge
Political activists have urged ratepayers to only pay what they can afford following the announcement of a new municipal water levy.

The African Democratic Change(ADeC) has rejected the decision taken by councillors of eThekwini Municipality to impose a levy of R3/kl for water and sewage disposal for all paying residents of the city.
The Municiplaity hopes to raise R1billion in the next three years to upgrade its ageing infrastructure. Currently, many residents of eThekwini do not pay for services.
The water levy will come into effect on 1 July 2021, over and above the tariff increases already approved. ADeC has been protesting against the increases calling on all political parties represented in the Municipality to “put the people first”.
“We are in the middle of the Covid pandemic and millions have lost their jobs or have taken cuts in their salary. The tariffs are excessive and in most cases unaffordable. StatsSA revealed that over 50% of Black(African, Coloured and Indian) South Africans are living below the poverty line, as opposed to Whites who make up 1%. These draconian increases, supported by the ANC and DA, affects previously disadvantaged communities the most,” Visvin Reddy, Chief Activist of ADeC said in a statement.
Reddy said ratepayers were being fleeced by the city to pay for its lack of proper management and corruption. He aged that hundreds of millions had been looted from municipal coffers which could have been used to upgrade the ageing infrastructure. Political parties, represented on the council, turn a blind eye to illegal connections and wastage which, if addressed, will not results in these excessive tariff increases and the levy.
He said councillors were “holding citizens to ransom by increasing tariffs of Water and Electricity which are basic necessities” W
“hy has the Municipality not applied for a grant from national government? Why is the ADeC proposal of a wealth tax on corporate companies listed on the JSE not an option to raise funds?”
Reddy called on ratepayers to “reject the increases” and pay only what they can afford.