Natasha Mazzone has responded to de Lille’s open letter
Mazzone will not be bullied by the embattled De Lille

Natasha Mazzone, who is the DA’s deputy federal council chair, has hit back after Patricia de Lille released an open letter addressed to her.
What did de Lille say in the open letter?
In the letter, that was publicized on Thursday, Cape Town mayor, de Lille, labelled Mazzone as a “scripted spokesperson”. The embattled mayor went on to accuse Mazzone of propagating things that are, allegedly, untrue.
My open letter to @Natasha9Mazzone pic.twitter.com/A9cBO1Vb5a
— Patricia de Lille (@PatriciaDeLille) June 28, 2018
de Lille’s stance, throughout the letter, pressed on Mazzone’s apparent inability to distribute factual information. The mayor implied that Mazzone should do her research before speaking on matters like a true ultracrepidarian.
Natasha Mazzone hits back at de Lille
Mazzone lashed back by reaffirming that she will not be bullied by de Lille and instead, the mayor should stop avoiding the questioning on some of the things she has been accused of.
As it is known, due to all the publicity and controversy surrounding it, de Lille’s ability as the leader of the city has been in question for some time now.
Mazzone added that “I think Patricia de Lille should read the Bowman Gilfillan investigation [report]. It finds maladministration and conduct that amounts to deceiving council”.
She stressed that the DA would not be revealing any details concerning the identity of the whistleblower who shed light on de Lille’s alleged illicit activities as mayor.
Is de Lille guilty as the DA claims she is?
de Lille has always maintained her innocence and has rebuked any claim of incompetence on her part as mayor. She has challenged the DA, publicly, to present any evidence that they may have concerning her supposed wrongdoings.
This comes as yet another blow to the DA this year. The party is currently caught up in another controversy concerning a bill that would allow schools to sell alcohol during special events.