Mining industry given COVID-19 code of practice guidelines by government
Mine operators will be required to draft and submit their own COVID-19 codes of practice in accordance with department guidelines.

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) published guidelines for the mandatory codes of practice (COP) for mitigation and management of COVID-19 in the mining industry on Tuesday 19 May.
COVID-19 code of practice
Individual mining operations will be required to draft and submit their own COVID-19 code of practice.
According to the DMRE these codes of practice will need to be in line with the guidelines issued by their department as well as the terms of the Nation al Disaster Management Act, World Health Organisation recommendations as well as the directions of the Department of Health and Department of Employment and Labour.
“The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy has published guidelines for a mandatory code of practice for the mitigation and management of COVID-19 in the mining industry,” a statement issued by the DMRE reads.
“The guidelines are issued in terms of section 49(6) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996, after consultation with the Mine Health and Safety Council inluding a process of public comments to the draft guidelines.
“The objective of this guideline is to assist employers as far as reasonably practicable to establish and maintain a COVID-19 prevention, mitigation and management programme.
“[The COP] is to ensure that mine employees returning to work and any other persons at mines, are protected from transmission of the Coronavirus at the workplace, and where reasonably practicable, in the community, whilst providing guidance to all stakeholders regarding their roles and responsibilities in the management of the virus.
“All mining operations are required to prepare and implement a Code of Practice on the COVID-19 pandemic that complies with any relevant guidelines and instructions issued by government.”
Mining industry must maintain standards
A mandatory Code of Practice must comply with:
- Regulations issued in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002
- Directions issued by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy in terms of regulation 10(8) of the regulations issued in terms of section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act No 57 of 2002
- Guiding principles on the management of Covid-19 in the South African Mining Industry (SAMI)
- Guidelines developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), National Department of Health (NDoH), and the National Department of Employment and Labour (NDEL)
The DMRE have warned that failure by the employers to prepare and implement the mine’s COP in line with the guidelines will constitute a criminal offence and a breach of the Mine Health and Safety Act.
The gazetted guidelines can be accessed and downloaded on the government gazette website, or www.energy.gov.za and www.dmr.gov.za.