Matric Exams: Stage set for more than 700k learners to write finals
The final matric exams begin on 27 October and end on 7 December. More than 700 000 full-time candidates will write at 11 308 examination centres across SA.

The stage is set for a record number of matric learners to start their final school exams at the end of this month. Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga said nearly 130 000 more full-time learners would sit for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) in 2021.
This year 735 677 full-time Grade 12 learners will write the matric exam, an increase of 128 451. The exams will take place between 27 October and 7 December and the results are expected to be announced on 20 January 2021.
“The NSC exams are basically the culmination of 13 years of schooling, with an estimated two-thousand, five hundred (2 500) days of teaching and learning. You will recall that the Class of 2021, had to navigate a complex and hazardous terrain to arrive at this final examination,” said Motshekga.
“This is the Grade 11 Class of 2020, that did not complete their curriculum; but through the sheer hard work and dedication of our teachers, they have been able to cover the entire curriculum of 2021, and that they even had enough time to do revisions.”
This will be the third time matric learners write their exams under the guidance of COVID-19 safety protocols – the previous two being the 2020 final exams, and this year’s June tests. Motshekga said the education department had to make changes to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on teaching and learning.
“We have consulted with provinces to check on their state of readiness; and provinces have confirmed that it is all system go,” said the Minister.
In total, there will be 11 308 examination centres across South Africa – 6326 in public schools, 526 independent centres, 326 designated centres and 4130 part-time centres. All examination centres will have strict health and safety protocols.
This year learners that have tested positive for COVID-19 or are displaying symptoms will be accommodated in isolation rooms at the examination centres.
The same health protocols will be employed at the 194 marking centres. In the event of an outbreak at the marking centres, the department has lined up backup centres.