Matric candidates urged to remain calm amid leaked exam papers
Two matric exam papers have been leaked in recent days. The education department has, however, urged candidates to remain focused.

Head of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Brian Schreuder has urged candidates writing matric exams to remain calm following the news of two paper leaks.
Schreuder said he is aware of the announcement by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) regarding the leaked papers and said it has placed candidates in a stressful situation. Although it has added unwanted pressure, he has urged candidates to remain calm.
Schreuder said it’s not yet clear where the source of the matric exam leak is, however, the DBE and the Hawks are investigating it as a matter of urgency.
“Currently, there is no indication if any papers will need to be rewritten, and, if so, whether it will be done in certain contained areas or examination centres, districts or provinces. As we await further communication in this regard, I want to advise our candidates to stay calm,” he said.
“They must please keep focusing on the papers that they still have to write, apply their minds, and do their best to concentrate on the content of those papers. Every examination paper counts. Every mark counts,” he added.
Schreuder, in an attempt to put candidates at ease, said authorities, including the UMALUSI Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training, will ensure that the NSC results are credible in the end.
“If, and only if, it becomes necessary for our candidates to rewrite a paper, as suggested in media reports, they can be assured that it will be of a similar standard to the first one and our candidates will be informed timeously so that they can prepare for it,” he added.
Schreuder said the department does not want candidates to worry about the reports on the leaks and rewrites.
“This must not distract them. As soon as information becomes available, we will share it with candidates immediately,” he said.
Candidates can also contact the Safe Schools Toll-Free number on 0800-45-46-47 should they wish to talk to trained professionals about their anxiety or stress.
The Department of Basic Education (DBE), on Monday afternoon 16 November 2020, announced that the Matric Mathematics Paper 2 was leaked. Initial indications were that the paper became available in the early parts of Monday morning, hours before the paper could be written.
According to DBE spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga, the origins of the leak were not clear but he did say the matric candidates who had access to the question paper appeared to be located in the Limpopo and Gauteng provinces.
“The Department verified the content of the question paper and found it to be the same as the question paper that was to be written at 9:00,” said Mhlanga.
A week later on Monday 23 November 2020, the Physical Science Paper 2 matric exam was leaked and circulated before the paper was written.
“We condemn in the strongest terms the conduct of persons who undermine the integrity of the examination because it causes untold stress on the learners who are looking forward to exiting the schooling system with a pass from an honest examination, not one associated with cheating,” DBE Minister Angie Motshekga said.
“We want to reassure the public that we are hard at work to ensure that we protect the examinations. The Hawks have been helpful in working with us and they are encouraging developments coming from their side,” Motshekga added.