Level 3 lockdown: New directives issued ahead of matric exam marking
The purpose of the directions is to provide guidelines to officials, educators and staff who are involved in the marking of matric scripts.

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga has issued a new set of directions and protocols ahead of the marking of the 2020 matric exam scripts.
The purpose of the directions is to provide guidelines to officials, educators and administration staff who are involved in the marking of examination scripts. Based on President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent address and the move to Level 3 lockdown, it is important that health and safety protocols are followed.
According to Motshekga, marking will take place in 181 marking centres around the country and more than 45,000 markers have been appointed to complete the marking of the 14 million scripts over an 18 day period.
Based on Level 3 lockdown regulations, all officials, markers, senior markers deputy chief markers, chief markers and internal moderators must:
- Wear a face mask;
- Adhere to health and hygiene protocols issued by the Minister responsible for basic education and;
- Maintain a distance of at least one and a half metres from each other.
A school or other identified venue that has a large enough facility may accommodate more than 50 officials, markers, senior markers, deputy chief markers, chief markers, internal moderators and administration staff, but may not exceed 50% of the capacity of that facility.
Officials, markers, senior markers, deputy chief markers, chief markers, internal moderators and administration staff, involved in the marking process may be accommodated at the school where there are such facilities or at an appropriate venue that complies with all the health, safety and social distancing measures for COVID-19.
Officials, markers, senior markers, deputy chief markers, chief markers, internal moderators and administration staff, must have in their possession, a permit which corresponds with Form 7 Annexure A of the Regulations which will be issued by the Head of Department or the person duly authorized by him or her, to allow marking personnel movement during the curfew hours.
According to the DBE, there will be strict screening procedures at the entrance of every marking centre and marking personnel that display any symptoms that are listed in the COVID-19 protocol will be retained in a temporary isolation room until they have been advised by a Health Professional. Markers that have tested positive must not report to a marking centre and failure to disclose their health status will constitute misconduct.
The Department also has a reserve list of markers to accommodate markers that may not be able to report to the marking centre. Every marking centre will also have an appointed Marking Centre Compliance Officer to ensure strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocols and manage any COVID-related situation.