Confirmed: Second source of matric leak from government printers
The Director-General of the Basic Education Department said that the matric exam leak was bigger than what they initially thought.

The second source of the matric leak has officially been confirmed by the Department of Basic Education (DBE). On Thursday 17 December, during a media briefing, the director-general of the department said the second source had been derived from government printers.
A few weeks ago, just before two exams could be written, matric papers were leaked, namely the Mathematics Paper 2 and the Physical Sciences Paper 2. Since then, there has been a debate as to whether the two papers should be rewritten but the court resolved that they should not and had the suggestion to rewrite set aside.
On Thursday, Department of Basic Education Secretary-General Mathanzima Mweli said the second source of the matric leak had been identified.
“The leaked papers, let me also indicate that last time when the minister hosted a press briefing, we confirmed that the source of the leak was the printing company in Gauteng,” he said.
“We can now tell you that the second source of the leak is government printers. The Physical Science full paper was leaked from government printers. The detail of that, we’ll leave for the Hawks,” he added.
Although the department agreed with the court for the most part and decided not to appeal its decision on a rewrite, the DG said the leak was bigger than what they thought.
“While we have seen some questions from social media, we believe that the leak was wider than what we thought and the ongoing daily developments seem to confirm what we presented in court,” added Mweli.
Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga said the exams proceeded well, until the leaking of the question papers.
“As a sector, we sought to have the candidates rewrite the leaked papers. We strongly believed, as we still do, that this was the only way to address the lingering questions regarding the integrity, credibility and fairness of the 2020 NSC examinations,” she said.
“The North Gauteng High Court ruling did not help either, because it did not deal with the credibility, integrity and fairness of the 2020 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination, taking into account the compromise of the 2020 exams, resulting from the leaks of Mathematics Paper 2 and Physical Science Paper 2,” she added.
In the meantime, legal teams are exploring avenues that are to be used to address some of the errors the DBE picked up in the judgment.
“Marking will commence in earnest on 4 January 2021. On 12 February 2021, the DBE will present an irregularities report to UMALUSI; and thereafter wait for the quality assurance agency to make an announcement on the integrity, credibility and fairness of the 2020 NSC examinations,” she said.
“We are on schedule for the release on 22 February 2021; and candidates should get their statement of results the next day, on 23 February 2021,” she added.