The truth about Listeriosis: Why recent cases aren’t part of “an outbreak”
Rumours of another Listeriosis “outbreak” have been put to bed on Tuesday. Here’s why these recently-reported cases aren’t ruffling NCID’s feathers just yet.

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) have moved to put the record straight on a few concerns raised about Listeriosis cases in South Africa. It was reported earlier that fatalities caused by the deadly bacteria had been reported across the country, little over a year after the worst-ever outbreak was reported.
The truth about Listeriosis
However, it seems that this is not the time to panic. And the NICD have got the receipts to back-up their claims:

Why we aren’t facing “an outbreak”
Our current population size sits at 58.8 million. On average, there are 117 to 294 sporadic cases in South Africa per year. There have been a total of 87 laboratory-confirmed listeriosis cases in the past 10 months. Even with two-and-a-half months of the year left, this is still below the expected annual range.
It has since been stated that 77% of these cases have given us useable outcome data: As it stands, 21 people have died from the disease in the calendar year of 2019. That’s a mortality rate sitting at 30%, which falls within the expected range of the case-to-death ratio. Although those who contract the disease still face a substantial chance of being killed by it, the total number of cases have dropped steeply.
“There is no evidence of an outbreak of listeriosis this year. The number of cases reported since the official end of the 2017/2018 listeriosis outbreak is well within (and in fact, below) the expected range for sporadic disease. It is likely that accidental contamination of food occurs fairly frequently.”
“Furthermore, there have been no unusual trends in the epidemiological patterns of disease, or in the whole genome sequencing analysis of isolates from patients; such data are analysed on an ongoing basis in order to detect possible clusters or outbreaks.”
The disease is passed through the soil to livestock, who end up carrying Listeriosis. When meat, cheese and other ready-made produce are ready for the shelves, they can still possess strains of the deadly bacteria. The most-recent outbreak of the disease in South Africa was traced back to a polony factory in Germiston.
Who is most likely to be affected by Listeriosis?
It’s reported that 216 people across 1 060 cases lost their lives between 2017/18. Although 21 is a tragic total for 2019, it’s not symptomatic of another outbreak.
In 2019, we’ve experienced 31 cases that were reported in Gauteng, 23 in the Western Cape and 16 in KZN. Almost 600 cases were logged in Gauteng during “the actual outbreak”, making it the worst hot-spot for the disease in the country. Although there’s no “epidemic” to speak of, the following people remain vulnerable to Listeriosis:
- Newborn babies.
- Pregnant women.
- Elderly citizens.
- Those with weak immune systems, such as HIV/AIDS patients.
- People with underlying conditions such as diabetes, cancer, kidney or liver disease.