Level 3 lockdown: Alcohol sales prohibited until mid-January
Following an address by President Cyril Ramaphosa, alcohol is banned under Level 3 lockdown. Here’s what you need to know.

All those who predicted an alcohol ban and a move to Level 3 lockdown were indeed correct. On Monday 28 December, President Cyril Ramaphosa took to the podium again for a family meeting. The address came after deliberations with the National coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) and the President’s Coordinating Council (PCC) after the National Health Department raised concerns about COVID-19 cases that appeared to be spiralling out of control.
On Sunday 27 December, the total amount of cumulative cases in the country breached one million. The days prior, Christmas to be exact, daily cases had reached close to 15 000.
Ramaphosa, together with the command council, took the following measures regarding the sale of alcohol under Level 3 lockdown.
Here’s what you need to know;
- The sale of alcohol from retail outlets and on-site consumption will not be permitted;
- The prohibition of alcohol in parks and beaches remain;
- Night clubs and businesses engaged in the sale and transportation of liquor will not be allowed to operate. ;
- Distribution and transportation will be prohibited with exceptions that will be explained by the minister;
- The Level 3 restrictions will remain in place until 15 January 2021; and
- These measures will be reviewed at that time on the basis of the state of the pandemic in the country.
We know that alcohol abuse contributes to trauma cases which pack unwanted pressure on our healthcare system. While some believed that harsher alcohol restrictions should be imposed for that very reason, others pleaded with Ramaphosa to think of workers in the alcohol industry and how a total ban would impact them and their families.
SAMA National Chairperson Angelique Coetzee told The South African that they are not calling for Level 2 lockdown, nor are they calling for Level 5 lockdown. She said they are simply calling for harsher restrictions on social gatherings and alcohol. Coetzee said there should be a ban over weekends as most of the trauma cases come in then. She said this would then alleviate pressure on the hospitals.
South African liquor traders expressed concern over the state of the industry and called on government not to reimpose a total ban on the sale of booze.
“We do not think that a total ban on alcohol sales will be a solution either in the short or long term in arresting the resurgence and uptick in the number of positive cases for COVID-19,” the group’s Lucky Ntimane said.
“We call on our Government to continue to work with the alcohol industry to find solutions of mutual benefit on how to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in a manner that can safeguard the 1 million livelihoods that are dependent on the alcohol industry”.