JPOMA proposes a reduction of utility charges as Joburg stimulus package
JPOMA submitted a relief proposal to Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Geoffrey Makhubo, on 6 April 2020.

Johannesburg Property Owners & Managers Association (JPOMA): The economic impact of COVID-19 cannot be understated. It has ravaged the world’s economy and it’ll continue to do so until the pandemic is contained. That being said, it’s a human crisis – first and foremost – with the poor, elderly, disabled and immune-compromised being deeply affected by this disaster. Undoubtedly, the people living in high-density communities – such as the inner city, townships or informal settlements – are at higher risk due to the proximity of living quarters and the lack of resources to sustain themselves for a prolonged period of time without work.
Understanding the economic, social and financial struggles of everyone during this difficult time, the Johannesburg Property Owners & Managers Association (JPOMA) submitted a relief proposal to Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Geoffrey Makhubo, on 6 April 2020. A balanced pro-poor, pro-investment utility charge approach for the 2020/21 budget was suggested, as it would provide immediate and ongoing relief to poor households living in strategic high-density residential/mixed-use nodes.
JPOMA proposals
- Immediate reinstatement of the free lifeline supply of 6kl free water, with no availability charge for all, or at least for all poor households residing in high-density areas. Apart from the obvious need for water to survive, it is also vital for hygiene to combat the COVID-19 virus;
- At least a 50% reduction in sewer charges for the poor residing in high-density residential units;
- No increases in water and electricity charges, especially in the first two utility category/blocks;
- Rebates to property owners for administering utility charges on behalf of the city for approximately 60,000 inner-city units; and
- No increase in property rates in the current financial year.
“We applaud the work the City of Johannesburg has done over the past few weeks and the ongoing efforts in managing a city in lockdown,” says Nic Barnes, JPOMA Chairperson.
“We now call on you, Mister Mayor, the Mayoral Committee and Executive Leadership of the City of Johannesburg and its utilities, agencies and entities to start developing a pragmatic plan to deal with the economic and financial impacts of this unfolding disaster.”
JPOMA believes the successful implementation of a relief plan will provide immediate and long-term results, such as:
- Creating a safety net for the poor, especially the vulnerable communities residing in high-density residential communities. As an example, there are more than 500,000 people living in the inner city.
- Strengthening an enabling environment for inner-city investment and economic development, which is required for:
- Sustaining city revenues;
- Retaining housing stock and jobs;
- Mitigating the severity of the impact on businesses; and
- Providing a much-needed stimulus for the recovery of the vital residential market.
JPOMA understands this isn’t a challenge that can be tackled by the City of Johannesburg alone. As a member of the COVID-19 Inner City Task Team – along with other inner-city organisations such as the Johannesburg Inner City Partnership (JICP) and the Forum of Integrated Risk Mitigation (FIRM) – JPOMA has volunteered its assistance. Whether it be in making its expertise available to balance the operating budget, liaising with other organisations such as NERSA and Rand Water, or in any other way that may be required.
Barnes adds that the proposal was also shared broader, most notably to the Minister of Finance, Mr Tito Mboweni, in the hope that this is also prioritised on the agenda for National Government, Treasury and Economic Development.
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are already devastating, but the aftermath is just as serious. These are unprecedented times that require unique solutions. A failure to act now will see this already grave situation plummet further into catastrophe.