IEC extends online application deadline for special votes
The IEC has extended the online application deadline for special votes for the upcoming elections. Here’s what you need to know.

Due to the high volume of online applications, the Electoral Commission (IEC) has extended the online applications for special votes to midnight, 3 May.
The Commission previously announced that applications would close at 17:00 on Friday, 3 May.
The Commission said its online portal has received many applications for special votes.
Throughout the day, the portal received over 17 000 applications per minute.
On Friday afternoon, the Commission had received over 1 467 242 applications.
“Following the consultation and recommendation from the National Political Party Liaison Committee, the Commission has extended the deadline from 17:00 to 0:00.
The Electoral Commission said it has considered and determined that the deadline extension will not impact preparations for the 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

The Commission said there are two categories of special votes affected by the deadline.
The first category relates to home visits for those registered voters who are infirm or have impaired mobility. Such voters may apply to be visited at home or in confinement.
The second category of special votes is available to any registered voter who wishes to vote early at their voting station.
Furthermore, the IEC reiterated that no automatic age-based qualification for a special vote exists. Special votes are available to all voters but only upon application by the deadline date of 3 May.
People who intend to vote by special vote must first apply or cause an application to be submitted on their behalf as follows:
- Using the secured online application form found at www.elections.org.za
- By sending the identity number of the voter by SMS to 32249 (R1.00 per SMS) for voting station visits only.
- Submitting an Appendix 1B form at the local office of the IEC for a voting station special vote.
- By submitting an Appendix 1A form at the local office of the IEC for a home visit special vote.
Notably, regarding the election timetable, both categories of special votes will be conducted on 27 and 28 May, from 9:00 to 17:00.