Home Affairs will only issue these three documents during the 21-day lockdown
Minister of Home Affairs Aaron Motsoaledi addressed the media with regards to Home Affairs operations during the 21-day lockdown amid COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister of Home Affairs, Aaron Motsoaledi, clarified at the press briefing in Pretoria which documents would be issued by Home Affairs during the 21-day lockdown period.
Home Affairs: Press briefing highlights
Travel and border posts
According to Motsoaledi, 35 border posts had been closed, with a remaining 18 still open. He explained that, at the time, “there was no lockdown yet”, and the borders were closed as a precautionary measure.
Operations continued normally. However, now that the country is going into a 21-day lockdown period, a decision was made the keep the remaining 18 border posts.
Motsoaledi explained that the posts will remain open to “convey goods between South Africa and neighbouring countries”, but added that “no human beings will be allowed through for the next 21 days.”
Issuing of documents at Home Affairs
Home affairs will employ skeleton staff to issue only three types of documents during the lockdown, unless an emergency presents itself. Those documents are:
Temporary ID documents
Temporary Identity Documents will only be issued to those who lost their documents and who require a valid ID for transaction purposes, such as banking or purchasing.
However, no new applications for identity documents will be approved.
Temporary birth certificates
As with identity documents, temporary birth certificates will also be issued during the lockdown if a certificate is needed to receive child grants from SASSA.
Motsoaledi explained that it’s safe to issue temporary documents because an individual’s details can be compared to the existing databases, such as the National Population Register.
For that reason, no new identity documents or birth certificates will be issued, as Home Affairs wouldn’t be able to verify the details, and could potentially issue documents erroneously.
Death certificates
The Department of Home Affairs will also issue death certificates as “people need to bury their dead and we can’t punish them for them,” Motsoaledi remarked.
No passports, no marriage certificates
He reiterated that no passports would be issued because “there will be no movement”. Anyone needing cross border medical services during this period will need to make a special request with Home Affairs. Motsoaledi concluded:
“We won’t issue passports, we won’t issue new identity documents, we won’t issue new birth certificates; we won’t issue marriage certificates, new or old. You can wait until the 21 days. Maybe the 21 days will also give you time to think about whether you want to get married or not”.
Also read – Clampdown: Motsoaledi to open case against fake news mongers