Heidi Scheepers: Husband forced to deny rumours surrounding her death
The misery has been compounded for the husband of Heidi Scheepers, who was accused of possibly influencing her death – he has since rubbished these claims.

The tragic case of Heidi Scheepers has devastated the Garden Route community. The mom-of-two was found dead more than five days after she went missing: Her two-year-old son had also perished after being discovered at the bottom of a gorge in Voëlklip, Western Cape and the daughter, aged six, is still unaccounted for. The devastating incident has taken an immeasurable toll on Ettienne Scheepers.
Heidi Scheepers: Husband forced to deny involvement
He is the father of the family that was so cruelly ripped apart last week. However, speaking to the George Herald on Tuesday, Ettienne was forced to clarify a few issues that have surfaced since the disappearance and subsequent rescue operations made headline news.
The businessman has been the subject of some pretty nasty and unverified rumours. People have speculated on why Heidi Scheepers never came home last Tuesday, and what her motivations were. Sadly, Ettienne has been implicated by the rumour mill – and he’s been forced to deny all claims made against him:
“We are personally financially sound and our businesses are doing well. We are in no financial plight. I also did not commit any form of fraud, have any affairs or beat my wife and children. I went to the police station to open a missing person’s case. I also posted notices on various WhatsApp groups.”
Ettienne Scheepers
The last moments of Heidi Scheepers
He also denied that Heidi Scheepers fell victim to a depressive episode. He says that his wife “had her ups and downs”, but has had nothing consuming her over the past few months. Ettienne described, through a statement, the last moments he spent together with his partner and their children.
“We took a drive down to the beach to spend time with the children. We however did not get out of the car as the weather was bad. We discussed our upcoming holiday to Mozambique when Heidi informed me that she would be staying behind. We had a big consignment of stock arriving at the shop [Herold’s Bay Café] and one of our employees had suddenly resigned.”
“I told her that we’d talk about it at home. We did not have an argument of any kind. I asked our housekeeping staff if they had seen anyone and they told me the last time they saw Heidi and the children was when we left for the beach. Heidi had left her phone at home as it was just going to be a quick trip to the beach. She also didn’t pack anything like bottles or dummies for the children.”
Ettienne Scheepers
Search for Cozette continues
Heidi Scheepers’ body was reportedly found in the ocean near Herolds Bay beach on Saturday afternoon. Police are still waiting on a finalised autopsy report before making any further statements. Meanwhile, the search for Cozette continues on Wednesday, eight days after she was reported missing.