Four suspects arrested in connection with shooting of DA councillor
The DA called on the police to intensify their efforts to ensure that all of those involved are brought to book.

The DA has welcomed the arrest of four suspects allegedly involved in the shooting of a DA councillor Jaques Alexander outside the Kouga municipal offices in Jeffreys Bay in the Eastern Cape on Thursday.
It is alleged that while Alexander was parking his vehicle when a Ford Laser passed him and two suspects alighted from the vehicle and fired shots at him.
The 49-year-old sustained multiple injuries to his back.
Two suspects arrested on charges of attempted murder
Police spokesperson Colonel Priscilla Naidu said two suspects split up and ran off in different directions but were swiftly arrested by police.
“The suspect vehicle immediately circulated and was pulled over while speeding in Da Gama Street.
Two suspects were apprehended by Jeffreys Bay law enforcement officials in possession of a suspected stolen vehicle. A 9mm pistol firearm was also recovered in a yard,” she said.
The suspects aged between 26 and 40 years are detained on charges of attempted murder.
DA welcomes police arrest
DA Eastern Cape provincial leader Andrew Whitfield welcomed the arrest.
“The brutal and senseless shooting of DA councillor and Member of the Mayoral Committee in the Kouga Municipality, Jaques Alexander, must be condemned in the strongest terms, and those responsible must swiftly be brought to justice.
The DA believes this callous and cowardly act of violence to be politically motivated and performed by suspected hit men who targeted councillor Alexander.
We commend the swift action taken by the South African Police Service, Kouga Law Enforcement, and local security companies in apprehending the suspects.
The DA is calling for the police to intensify their efforts to ensure that all of those involved are brought to justice and that they face the full might of the law,” he said.
Lieutenant-General Nomthetheleli Mene commended the excellent synergy by police and law enforcement officials in securing the speedy arrest of the suspects.
“Soon after the incident, our members and law enforcement officials were in pursuit of the suspects and within minutes they were apprehended.
I commend the excellent collaboration of those involved as we remain resolute in our pursuit of justice and maintaining the safety of our community,” Mene said.