Eskom’s stage two load shedding costs WC economy R150 million daily
“The cost of load shedding remains high.”

The Western Cape Government has revealed that the planned load shedding announced by Eskom on Wednesday, will damage the economy of the province and an estimate of R75 million goes out to each stage.
WC government emphasises that alternative power sources are needed
The Western Cape is currently estimated to be spending R75 million per stage, each day for the province, and if stage one and stage two occurs in the same day, it will mean an R150 million expenditure.
“As the Western Cape Government, we have taken several actions to mitigate the impact of load shedding on the provincial economy, and build energy resilience, however, the cost of load shedding remains high, particularly for manufacturing in the Western Cape. We also can’t ignore the impact of load shedding on households, small businesses and agriculture for example, which are forced to invest in alternative powers sources to build their resilience against energy failures.”
David Maynier, Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
Western Cape government has calculated the ‘uncounted cost’ of load shedding by Eskom, claiming it causes an impact on market confidence, and further elaborates that aims of building an “energy secure” province can only be done by having a diverse energy source mix through sustainable and low-carbon energy sources.
What alternative measures for energy generation are needed?
The WC government proposes new electricity meters that allow better consumption and management in provincial buildings, need to be implemented, as these buildings are anticipated to reduce energy consumption by 13%, and this will serve as 38% below the industry’s benchmark.
The Department of Economic Development and Tourism have also been working with Eskom, City of Cape Town, Wesgro and GreenCape, including other businesses, simply looking at the risk of load shedding and the mitigation measures that they can implement.
At the 2019 Windaba conference -an energy event focused on wind energy generation- the province gained intelligence into strategic technology trends on wind energy generation, as wind power is announced as the cleanest and most affordable energy technology worldwide.
“The Western Cape has led the way with regards to the implementation of solar PV. Of the 25 municipalities in the province, 23 allow rooftop Solar PV to connect to the electricity grid and have nationally approved tariffs in place, which allow users to be compensated for feeding their surplus power back into the municipal electricity grid.”
David Maynier, Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
WC government is looking into buying power from Independent Power Providers
The province is awaiting a positive outcome on the ongoing court action between the City of Cape Town versus the Department of Energy, to allow the City to buy power directly from Independent Power Providers.
“I am committed to continued engagements with businesses to ensure energy resilience in the province so that we remain “open for business”, and together grow the economy and create jobs in the Western Cape.”
David Maynier, Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities