Electricity price hikes: How to save power and money
We found tips to help ease the pinch of the electricity spike in Cape Town.

The recent electricity hike has increased from 8.88% to 13.37%, tugging at the pockets of Cape Town residents, who have to endure the recent tariff hikes.
The increase commenced from 1 July 2019, and there aren’t fixed increase rates set to mark.
According to IOL:
“Many of our members reported that they are receiving almost 10 units less for every R100 of prepaid electricity purchased. The City of Cape Town is, therefore, contributing to inflation in Cape Town by eroding the working-class buying power with these continuous high-above-inflation increases year-after-year.”
What is causing the increase in tariffs?
According to the Weekend Argus, spokesperson for the MEC for Local Government, James-Brent Styan, issued a statement around electricity tariff hikes stating it is challenging keeping a balance and making sure that municipalities and communities are satisfied.
“We work together with our councils to keep the rates as low as possible and also understand that our communities are struggling but we are faced with municipalities that are having to increase the services that they provide,” said James-Brent Styan.
How to save electricity and money
The City of Cape Town has issued tips on how to reduce usage on your electricity account:
- It is cheaper to heat water in a kettle than to heat it in a pot on the stove.
- Make sure that the bottom of the pots are flat so that good contact can be obtained
- A microwave oven is cheaper to operate than a stove.
- Do not place hot food in the refrigerator or deep freeze. Allow it to cool externally first.
- Curtains help to retain the heat in a room. Draw the curtains early in the evening especially during cold weather.
- It is cheaper to use an electric blanket than to heat the bedroom with a heater.
- When using a kettle, do not fill it right to the top if you only intend making one cup of tea.
- Store excess hot water from the kettle in a vacuum flask for the odd cup of coffee or for washing up later.
- For swimming pools, During winter algae growth is restricted and the use of the filter cleaning system can be limited to once every few days.
- Do not allow hot water taps to drip, and the recommended temperature setting is 55 degrees Celsius.