EFF accuses Gigaba of “irregular acceptance of Guptas application for citizenship”
The EFF ochea dropping info again.

Look, whatever your political leaning, you can’t deny that the Economic Freedom Fighters – and in particular Julius Malema – has been spot on with the information they’ve been sending out about the Gupta family.
In their latest statement, the EFF claims that it has reliable info to suggest that while Malusi Gigaba was Minister of Home Affairs, he “unduly granted the Gupta family South African citizenship”.
In the wake of the #GuptaLeaks, Gigaba has emerged as someone who allegedly abused his role to grant favours to the family. So the news is hardly a surprise.
The EFF say that Mr. GG Hlatshwayo on behalf of the Director General denied the Guptas’ application back in January 2015, based on the fact that they did not comply with requires – having not had five years of “physical residence” in South Africa.
They were told to re-apply later that year, but the EFF claims that just a few months later in May of the same year, Gigaba wrote to the Guptas granting them what he terms “early naturalisation”.
Gigaba states that “after careful consideration of the matter, I have decided by the powers vested in me under section 5(9)(a) of the South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 2010 (Act no 17 of 2010), to waive the residential requirements in regards to your application for naturalisation and grant you early naturalisation”.
The EFF statement adds:
Here the Act states that “the Minister may under exceptional circumstances grant a certificate of naturalisation as South African citizen to an applicant who does not comply with the requirements of [the said] subsection (Ills! relating to residence or ordinary residence in the Republic”.
Gigaba has effectively used this clause to make favours to his friends the Gupta family in a situation where there are absolutely no exceptional circumstances to bypass the law. The only exceptional thing enjoyed by the Gupta family is a close relationship with Gigaba. All other ordinary South Africans have to be patient with the law in cases of their foreign spouses who have been resident, uninterruptedly for more than decades.
The EFF said it is currently seeking legal advice on the matter.