Dept of Science and Technology splurges over R1 million on pot plants
The Democratic Alliance says the Department of Science and Technology’s R1 million spend on office pot plant maintenance represents ‘skewed priorities’
South Africa’s Department of Science and Technology has spent R1 074 429 on “the maintenance of indoor plants” at it office in Pretoria over the past five years, a reply to a Democratic Alliance parliamentary question has revealed.
According to the reply, the Department spent:
– R487,710.12 between 2009 and 2011
– R225,796.47 during the 2011/12 financial year.
– R240,555.96 during the 2012/13 financial year.
– R120,278 during the 2013/14 financial year.
“Disturbingly, the Minister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor confirmed that her Department has already spent a further R90 000 on indoor plant maintenance this financial year, and intends to spend at least R380 000 this financial year,” said Annelie Lotriet, Shadow Minister of Science and Technology.
These indoor plants are displayed at the reception area, open plan areas and offices and are said to benefit all officials in the Department.
Lotriet said she plans to write to the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Themba Godi, to request that Minister Pandor be summoned to Parliament to account for her department’s ‘skewed priorities’.
She added that other departments with offices across the country such as the Department of Tourism, have managed to keep their pot plant expenditure for the past five years below R20 000.
“A department spending over a R1 million on pot plants for a single building over the past five years is simply unjustifiable and clear waste of state resources. The DA will continue to hold government to account for skewed spending priorities, so that every cent can be used on ensuring that we deliver quality services to our people,” Lotriet added.