DA lambasts EFF election manifesto launch as ‘illegal’
The DA has called on Police Minister Bheki Cele to probe the EFF’s election campaign after it allegedly contravened lockdown regulations.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has called on Police Minister, Bheki Cele, and IEC Chairperson, Glen Mashinini, to lodge a joint review of what the political party has alleged “appears to be blatant illegal campaigning by the EFF”.
“It is clear from the EFF’s campaign event today that the party has no regard for the rule of law and has once again proven that they are not above using the own supporters as fodder during this pandemic. According to the current adjusted level 2 lockdown regulations, the legal limit for outdoor gatherings is 500 persons. It is evident from the pictures and videos coming from the EFF’s event today that attendance is in excess of 500 people,” Mazzone said.
“The EFF’s manifesto launch is therefore an illegal gathering and their display today is tantamount to illegal campaigning. The IEC must do what is right and hold the EFCF accountable for their actions. This illegal event during the campaign period undermines the freeness and fairness of the elections. And the EFF’s actions have set them up for possible deregistration as a political party,” she said.
She said that all South Africans had been forced to live by what she described as the ANC’s “senseless lockdown rules” and that there “cannot be one set of rules for ordinary citizens and another for the EFF”.
“Minister Cele happily opened water cannons on pensioners and vulnerable South Africans waiting in a SASSA queue, but has failed to bring that same energy when dealing with his mate, Julius Malema. Where are the water cannons today? Or is Cele too deep in Malema’s pocket to take action against the EFF’s flagrant disregard of the law,” Mazzone said.