DA celebrates two years since governing Joburg and Tshwane
Has the DA found all the answers in Jozi and Tshwane?

DA leader Mmusi Maimane is feeling rather proud this week as he looks back on the two year period since mayors from his party began governing in the City of Johannesburg and Tshwane. While there has been the odd scandal and political battles making headlines, the DA is keen to focus on the successes.
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To mark the two-year occasion Maimane held a press conference on Friday alongside Tshwane Mayor Solly Msimanga and Joburg Mayor Herman Mashaba.
“From day one, it was clear that the governments inherited from previous administrations were in shambles – both financially and administratively. These administrations were endemically corrupt and heavily bloated which will again be the case if the ANC are ever again trusted to govern these cities,” Maimane said.
The conference took place on a property that is one of 71 pieces of inner city land “earmarked as commercial and residential development” in Joburg. The property is intended for the development of mixed income housing.
Maimane explained that the party believes that Mashaba and Joburg can still reach their goal of 5% economy growth by 2021.
Mashaba and co have also managed to create 109 000 new jobs in 2018 and brought down the city’s unemployment rate from 32.3% to 30.8%
For Maimane, Mashaba has looked to eradicate corruption.
“We are winning the war. More than 3 500 cases of corruption and maladministration involving almost R18 billion has been uncovered by the newly established Group Forensics and Investigation Services (GFIS) and the recruitment of an additional 1 500 Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) officers has ensured the streets of Johannesburg are much safer.”
In Tshwane, things have been a bit more complex for the DA. Over the last few months, Mayor Msimanga has faced headlines over procedures not being followed for appointing his chief of staff. The position, worth over R1m per year was filled by a long time Msimanga colleague who only had a matric.
The requirements for the post when advertised included “a minimum qualification of a degree”.
Msimanga has managed to move past that and Maimane was keen to point out that the city has allocated R137.2 million towards Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) initiatives this financial year.
“Previous ANC mayors lived in lavish luxury in the so called “Mayoral Mansion”. This mansion was put up for sale and on 23 November last year it was sold for R5.1 million in order to build houses for those without. Proceeds made from the sale are already being used to build 40 houses for those without,” Maimane told the media.
The City’s finances have also been greatly stabilised with an inherited R2bn deficit being turned into a surplus.