Mkhize: Uncooperative COVID-19 patients will be ‘named and shamed’
Tracer teams have a near-impossible task of tracking down patients who failed to provide accurate personal information.

Health Minister Zweli Mkhize has raised concerns regarding the lack of information pertaining to positive COVID-19 cases in South Africa.
Update 25 March, 08:15: Mkhize confirms that the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in South Africa has risen to 709.
While updating the country on the latest number of confirmed coronavirus cases, which, on Tuesday afternoon had risen to 554, Mkhize noted, with serious alarm, the rising number of patients who have become untraceable. The Health Minister addressed the issue of unallocated cases – patients confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 but not attributed to a specific province – after questions arose regarding the ‘unknown’ whereabouts listed in the provincial breakdown.
According to Mkhize’s latest update, at least 19 confirmed coronavirus cases lack critical information which makes the task of tracing primary contact points near impossible.
‘Unknown’ COVID-19 patients a grave concern
In addition, Mkhize noted that the lack of proper protocol was putting the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), tasked with analysing data from all associated laboratories, under severe strain. Elaborating on the critical need for basic information and the potentially disastrous impact that the lack of personal details could have on the South African healthcare system, Mkhize said:
“This has proven to be an administrative burden that, if not rectified, will hamper our efforts to immediately be in contact with patients who have tested positive, determine whether they require hospitalisation or can be treated in self-quarantine and more importantly trace all other individuals that they have been in direct contact with.”
The health minister added that the effectiveness of tracer teams and subsequent quarantines were vital to flattening the curve and reducing exposure to the deadly COVID-19 virus.
A vicious cycle
Following on from President’s Cyril Ramaphosa’s declaration of a nationwide shutdown – which is due to begin at midnight on Thursday and continue until 16 April 2020 – Mkhize announced his own flurry of stringent measures to fight the “vicious cycle”, the most important of which relates to the National Health Act Regulations Relating to the Surveillance and Control of Notifiable Medical Conditions.
Mkhize ordered medical practitioners to abide by the regulations and compel patients to comply with testing and accurate recording of information, saying:
“All clinicians and pathology laboratories, both in private and public, must ensure that any patient who presents themselves for a COVID-19 test, must provide full details on the form.”
The form referred to be Mhkize includes:
- Full name
- ID Number
- Gender
- Physical address
- Mobile number and alternative contact number
Mkhize’s threat to ‘name and shame’
The health minister noted that while patient confidentiality was a fundamental aspect of ethical healthcare, provisions allowed under the Surveillance and Control of Notifiable Medical Conditions Act would be implemented more strictly as a result of non-compliance. Mkhize warned both citizens and the healthcare sector to be more diligent or risk facing the wrath of the law. Mkhize said:
“Our position is now clear, we request that you comply, if there is resistance, we will enforce such compliance through the law.”
Mkhize added that the health department would enact Regulation 18 of the abovementioned government protocol which would effectively grant the state permission to disclose patient information in an attempt to minimise points of contact with other individuals. Mkhize elaborated:
“This therefore means that if a confirmed case refuses to provide us with information, we will go to the extent of making a public announcement that anyone who has come into contact with that specific person (disclosing their name) must present themselves.”
Mkhize’s stern warning precedes a meeting by the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security cluster which is tasked with enforcing the national lockdown.
Confirmed coronavirus cases in South Africa by province:
- Gauteng: 302
- Western Cape: 113
- KwaZulu-Natal: 80
- Free State: 18
- Mpumalanga: 9
- North West: 5
- Limpopo: 4
- Northern Cape: 2
- Eastern Cape: 2
- Unknown: 19