City of Joburg maintains Level-1 Water Restrictions despite heat wave
Johannesburg Water has urged residents to comply with Level-1 Water Restrictions although heat comes with high water consumption.

Residents living in the City of Joburg have been cautioned to maintain Level-1 Water Restrictions despite the heat wave.
Johannesburg Water has urged residents to comply, saying increased heat comes with high water usage which strains water resources and infrastructure.
“Residents are urged to conserve water as the hot weather continues. Also, remember to observe Level-1 Water Restrictions. Under Level-1 Water Restrictions, the following is prohibited from 06:00-18:00,” the entity said.
ALSO READ: Johannesburg Water implements Water Restrictions amid high water consumption
The entity added that reducing water usage may help alleviate shortages and save you money.
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Here are tips for saving water during the heat wave:
- Look out for any leaks: Have a look around your home for any leaking pipes. Fixing them can save you money as well as water.
- Take a shower instead of a bath: The average bath uses 40 litres more than a shower. It would also be helpful to cut the time you spend in the shower by a minute.
- Sweep instead of spray: Instead of using the hosepipe to clean yard debris off patios and decks, use a broom. Not only will you save water but you’ll also give your body the gift of exercise!
- Keep outdoor pools covered: This is to reduce water lost to evaporation.
- Fill a jug or bottle with water and keep it in the fridge: This gives you quick access to cool drinking water without having to run the tap and wait until the water is sufficiently cold.
- Reuse greywater: Greywater refers to wastewater from bathing, washing dishes and laundry showers. This gently used water can be refused for flushing toilets, watering plants and other purposes.
- Recycle water: Collect rainwater to be used for watering gardens, flushing toilets, washing clothes, mopping floors, and bathing.
ALSO READ: Johannesburg Water encourages rainwater harvesting
City of Johannesburg’s Level 1 Water restrictions run from 1 September to 31 March, annually.
This is a developing story.
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