RECKLESS: Watch this beat-up car driving with trolley wheels
A daring local motorist has been captured on video driving a beat-up car with trolley wheels with a Cape Town registration plate.

Social media has discovered a beat-up car cruising on the road with trolley wheels. Judging from the car’s number plate, it can be presumed the incident happened in Cape Town this week.
The 44-second video appeared on Twitter where a fellow motorist moved behind the car to capture the bizarre and dangerous act.
The video capturer is heard laughing in encouragement as the reckless driver of the Golf rolls on the road with only three roadworthy wheels. One of the missing back wheels had been replaced with four trolley wheels. “Wow this is so cool my broer!” said the video capturer.
The registration plate, CEY, suggests the vehicle could be from the Strand and Gordon’s Bay areas of Cape Town.
The vehicle drove towards an empty traffic lights intersection before turning a right corner. “It should turn, it should turn,” said the occupants from the other vehicle, while the passenger in the front seat, hanging out of the window, is heard yelling “what we’re doing here is mathematics!”
It was not long before SA Agst Drunk Driving reacted to the offense by calling on relevant authorities to act. “Thanks for sharing this. Let’s Road Traffic Management Corporation, Western Cape Government, Fikile Mbalula, MEC Daylin Mitchell, and Department of Transport will take action.”
Meanwhile, in East London, a man was arrested after allegedly driving drunk before crashing into a traffic department wall in Braelyn. In addition to suffering a head wound, the suspect is now facing a serious charge of drunk driving and damaging municipal property.
According to the report, from the Buffalo City Metro Municipality, the suspect apparently had one too many drinks as early as 11:00 before getting behind the wheel of his Toyota Corolla.
His passengers were reportedly too boozed up to make sense of the chaos.