Cape Town teenage pregnancy surge raises alarm
While the increase was seen across all City of Cape Town Health districts, the number of clinic visits for contraceptive services decreased.

The City of Cape Town’s Health Department has expressed concern over the increase in the number of teenage girls seen for their first antenatal visit.
Between July 2022 and June 2023 last year, the number of teenagers aged between 12 and 17 who visited a clinic for their first antenatal visit were 632, compared to 355 the previous corresponding year.
The increase was seen across all City Health districts.
Number of clinic visits for contraceptives decreases
At the same time, the number of clinic visits for contraceptive services decreased.
The number of female condoms distributed during the 2022/2023 financial year dropped to 451 271 compared to 671 488 the previous year, while male condom use dropped from 29 086 050 to 19 259 681.
This represents a decrease of more than 30% in the use of condoms.
The city held a pregnancy awareness event in Wallacedene this month to observe Pregnancy Education Week and Condom and STI Awareness Week.
Condom and STI Awareness Week is an initiative that aims to raise awareness about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and promote safe sexual practices.
City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Community Service and Health, Councillor Patricia van der Ross said they were concernced about the increase in teen pregnancies.
“While the aim of the week is to reduce pregnancy-related complications and encourage women to visit a clinic, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that our girls are sexually active,” she said.
Teenage pregnancy can put a young mother’s life at risk
Van der Ross added that besides the detrimental impact on growth, productivity, communities and families, a teen pregnancy disrupts the young mother’s education and puts her future at risk.
“Our girls have a bright future, and I want to encourage them to do everything they can to make healthy and informed choices,” she said.
Further health data shows the number of people who started on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) more than doubled from 3 266 to 6 796.
PrEP and Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) are HIV prevention strategies.
Since implementing PrEP at City Health facilities two years ago, more than 12 000 people have started treatment at the 67 facilities offering this service.
This follows after the Gauteng Department of Health raised concerns about a surge in Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and HIV infections across the province earlier this month.