Chatbots and the bigger picture: Think positively about new opportunities
Now that most of us have heard the exciting news that bots will be our new colleagues at work, it is time to examine to what extent the things will evolve over the next 5 years.
The positive impact of bots on the bigger picture:
Globally, unemployment levels shrunk from 6.1% to 5.8% despite the fact that world population has grown. This negates the argument brought by somewhat inefficient laggard statistics like in the cases of Greece, South Africa and Spain as well as some regions where people want to hold onto conventional jobs instead of learning new skills. Additionally, if we consider parts of the world where an ageing population will bring new shortages to the labour market, it is fair to argue that bots may actually alleviate acute challenges. The questions to ask right now include where are we today with chatbot innovation – and how can workers make most of the opportunity it presents by means of repositioning themselves?
Chatbot innovation: Where we are today
To understand how advanced chatbots have become, just look at SnatchBot, the global market leader (Read more about how SnatchBot was founded here). It is remarkable that it has managed to integrate all of the social channels that humans work on into a single interface operated by one chatbot. It is quite normal to see one bot operate Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype and basic email responses in a small business – with more advanced configurations for large corporations.
What digital marketing teams struggled with for years, got resolved with the introduction of “omnichannel by chatbot”. If anyone thought it is complicated and they don’t need to worry about this in smaller businesses – think again. This is because SnatchBot has a marketplace where you can pick a chatbot that was already developed for your industry, regardless of whether it is banking, travel, generic customer service, hospitality, money transfer education or even government!
Adapt or die may be a favourite slogan with innovative technology, which may sound like a hard line to take, especially since it distracts from all the amazing benefits chatbot technology can bring. It is in fact not necessary to fear technology, but rather answer the question: How can I reposition myself within the global workforce? Here are three potential answers:
Reposition yourself at the top of the food chain:
One of the things SnatchBot did, was to make chatbot development available to the masses. You can use their platform for free, to create an unlimited number of chatbots without any coding skills. Instead of fearing bots that will come to take your job – approach it differently: BE the one who creates useful bots that businesses will love. You can solve problems for your own company, or even sell those bots in the marketplace to generate an income.
We’re not just talking about small businesses: Large multi-nationals like Uber, Maersk, Gameloft, Virgin Interactive FX, EDF and the Boston Consulting Group have all used the SnatchBot platform – so by taking up bot building as a hobby, you may soon find yourself helping out major brands on the open marketplace.
Thinking of remote customer service as a safe bet? Chatbots will raise the bar:
Many countries aspire to tap into the low unemployment rates of the US, UK and other prosperous countries by setting up remote customer service facilities. This has proven successful for India, South Africa and the Philippines in the past – but chatbots will raise the bar. Positions will become redundant at a lower level since basic “yes and no” type call centre jobs or simple hand-holding via live chat will be done by bots. Gartner predicts that by 2025 more than 85% of questions will be answered by chatbots or “virtual assistants”. This will leave humans with mainly one option: to focus on the 15% of tricky questions that remain to be solved. What does this mean? We need to become more advanced and to aim for customer service management positions instead.
Accept that change and improvement will come to all industries:
People who resist change often try to do anything to escape it. They will even try and switch to an industry that is more conventional. Well, the disruption is happening everywhere so the sooner we accept it – the better we can deal with it.
The most positive shifts, for example, involve things like highly personalized and humanized conversations – that can transcend cultural barriers as well as span across industries. Chatbots delivering conversational hospitality or helping you speed up transactions in e-commerce are already available. The natural language processing supported by the SnatchBot platform really means that no industry will miss out from the chatbot revolution and you should be able to benefit from this in any business.
The chatbot scene evolved rapidly, with Hubspot claiming it will be the “future of digital marketing”. No industry will escape the disruption – and it will bring a lot of opportunity with it. Yes, many players have entered this space, for example, Botpress, Botsify, Rebot, PandoraBot, Chatfuel, FloXo, ManyChat, Conversable and Dialogflow.
Remember that the scalability of the platform you use, together with it’s combined learning from multiple sectors is what will result in the strongest and most advanced ecosystem. For this reason, you may want to start off on the bigger marketplace like SnatchBot, where developers already spent thousands of hours deploying bots at record numbers.