NPA and State Capture strengthen collaborative efforts
The NPA says the State Capture Commission will continue granting it access to the legions of evidence it has gathered

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and the State Capture Commission will continue working together, particularly as the commission nears the end of its term.
The NPA’s Investigating Directorate (ID) and the commission have been having discussions on the provision of more access to the commission’s information.
“The NPA and the State Capture commission Secretariat continue to engage to strengthen relations and agree on concrete areas of engagement. In this regard, the Commission will continue to do what it can to assist the NPA and Investigating Directorate (ID) to carry out their mandates as the Commission approaches the end of its term,” said ID spokesperson Sindisiwe Seboka.
It comes as the State Capture Commission recently released the fourth installment of its report. The Commission’s chairperson, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, has made a number of recommendations for prosecution to the NPA.
The NPA says the State Capture Commission will continue granting it access to the legions of evidence gathered. This is to ensure successful investigations and prosecutions of matters arising out of the Commission’s work, Seboka added.
The Investigating Directorate (ID) was established in 2019 and its mandate includes looking into state capture and other forms of corruption. ID plays a fundamental role in pursuing those implicated in grand looting, including cases emanating from the Commission.
“The two entities are committed to ensuring a seamless transition phase of the Commission’s work, to the extent that they may translate into criminal cases, asset forfeiture recoveries, or other sanctions which the courts will deem fit. Ending impunity for high-level corruption and state capture cases is a priority for the country. This requires enhanced collaboration between a number of stakeholders, while respecting their respective roles and mandates”
ID spokesperson Sindisiwe Seboka
The ID has so far declared 82 investigations and enrolled 20 cases, most of them arising from the work of the commission with 65 accused persons.