Woman’s birth control IUD found in her BUM!
A 30-year-old woman went to the clinic with a pregnancy scare and was in for a shock when they found her IUD had migrated to her anus

A 30-year-old woman was in for the surprise of her life after her intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) was found in her anus after she went to a clinic with a pregnancy scare, as reported in Science Direct.
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Woman got her IUD a year after giving birth
The woman was previously healthy and had given birth three times.
One year after her last delivery, she had a copper T IUD inserted, which was noted to be a difficult procedure.
Immediately after the insertion, she experienced dizziness and diaphoresis, but was reassured with ultrasound that showed the device was in the uterus.
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She was monitored in the clinic for an hour before being discharged home.
She experienced pelvic discomfort for the next five days but then felt fine.
Woman returns to the clinic two months later with a pregnancy scare
Two months later, the patient returned to the clinic with concerns that she might be pregnant.
During a routine pelvic examination, the IUD threads were not found.
A transvaginal ultrasound revealed an empty uterine cavity, prompting further investigations.
An abdominal X-ray revealed that the IUD had been misplaced in the abdomen.
A colonoscopy was done and showed that the IUD was located in the upper anterior rectum, about 11 cm from the anal verge.
The woman was admitted to the hospital, and the IUD was successfully retrieved with surgery.
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Signs that your IUD is out of place
If you have an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control, it is important to regularly check for signs that it may have shifted out of place. Here are some signs to watch for:
- You cannot feel the strings: If you cannot feel the strings, they could be up inside your uterus.
- Your strings are shorter or longer than usual: A different length may indicate that the IUD has shifted.
- You feel the IUD itself: You should only feel the strings, not the hard plastic part of the device.
- Your partner feels the IUD during sex: You and your partner should not be able to feel the IUD during sex. If your partner feels the hard plastic part of the device, it may have moved.
- You experience pain: If you experience persistent, extreme, or worsening pain, the IUD may be out of place. If pain relievers do not help, contact your doctor.
- You have heavy or abnormal bleeding: Heavy or abnormal bleeding may indicate that the IUD is in the wrong spot.
- You have severe cramping, abnormal discharge, or fever: These may be signs of an infection or that the IUD has shifted.
It is possible for an IUD to come out of place without any signs, so it is important to check regularly and contact your doctor if you have any concerns.
If you notice any of these signs, call your doctor and use a backup form of birth control until they can confirm that the IUD is still in the correct position.