BLACK women living with HIV are FORCED to sterilize
Khensani Motileni, from the Women’s Legal Centre, says women are being sterilised with other alternatives.

Black women living with HIV continue to experience forced sterilisation at South African public health institutions, the Sexual and Reproductive Justice Conference at Diep in Die Berg in Pretoria, heard on Wednesday, 22 March 2023.
The Department of Social Development organised the conference. It brought together policymakers, Civil Society Organisations, Researchers, and young people to deepen and promote sexual and reproductive justice.
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Addressing the Legacy of Forced/Coerced Sterilisation of HIV+ Women in Public Health Care Institutions in South Africa, Khensani Motileni, from the Women’s Legal Centre, outlined that many women, especially those living in rural communities, are discriminated against.
She said these women often have equitable access to essential services like water, food, and medical treatment.
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Quoting from an investigation report by the Commission on Gender Equality, Motileni said some women are being sterilised without being given other alternatives. She said black women are not given birth control measures before being sterilised.

“Presently, interventions targeting HIV-related issues are designed to change risk behaviour and reduce HIV transmission rather than address violence against women living with HIV. Therefore, a rights-based approach is necessary.’
Khensani Motileni
Dr. Sthembiso Mthembu, an activist and a forced sterilisation survivor from KwaZulu-Natal, was at pains explaining that the Commission for Gender Equality has not implemented its findings on the investigation they conducted on forced or coerced sterilisation on women living with HIV.
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She said the National Health Act of 2003 does not provide for women’s health. It only provides for maternal health and family planning. She said forced sterilisation of women continued in unabated public health facilities and was systematic.
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“In some instances, a doctor would come to assist a pregnant woman, and once he finds that the patient is HIV+, they would recommend sterilisation.”
Sithembiso Mthembu
According to the Chief Director of Population and Development in the Department of Social Development, Jacques van Zuydam, forced sterilisation is illegal. Zuydam says any form of coerced sterilisation is unlawful in South Africa.
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This three-day Sexual and Reproductive Justice conference seeks to make recommendations on how to facilitate and strengthen SRJ across all spheres of government in collaboration with Civil Society, Academia, and other relevant stakeholders.