“State capture debate is rigged against the truth” – ANC MPs
There’s some pretty ludicrous claims in this one…

A group of ANC MPs have rallied against the current state capture inquiry happening in Parliament, and laid into fellow MPs who have backed the need for a debate.
Leading the calls for a halt to proceedings was advocate Loyiso Mpumlwana. He was highly critical of the party’s Chief Whip, Jackson Mthembu. Mr Mthembu has supported the inquiry, much to the consternation of die-hard Zuma loyalists.
Mpumlwana made quite the song and dance addressing the media yesterday. He practically made a spectacle of himself. He falsely claimed state capture is based on ‘one affidavit’, rather than a myriad of factors from a network of corruption. In fact, his claims ranged from the ridiculous, to the even-more-ridiculous:
“A debate on state capture makes no sense when President Zuma has already indicated setting up a more broad and judicial inquiry. Chief Whip Jackson Mthembu is deliberately defying the President and his colleagues in the ANC caucus.”
“It’s shocking that we are having this debate, on the basis of one affidavit belonging to an agent of white monopoly capital. Parliament is ignoring Lynne Browne’s testimony, too. This process is rigged against the truth. Mthembu has decided to side with the racist Democratic Alliance.”
“Such a concession to the DA is unprecedented, and shows that a white monopoly capital has amassed inside the ANC. State capture debates must also be debates on white monopoly capital. This current inquiry is a whitewash.”
ANC MPs with fierce loyalties to Zuma have every right to be concerned about the state capture inquiry. Last week proved to be momentous in the investigation. Former Eskom Chief Zola Tsotsi delivered testimony that heavily implicated Jacob Zuma, Lynne Brown and the Guptas in trying to influence decisions at the energy firm.
The evidence is mounting, and the state captors are sweating. Those aligned with Zuma will be more than happy to discredit the inquiry when it’s turning over stones that expose his corrupt practices.