Afriforum boots former Volksblad editor for using the k-word
Top tip: Don’t be a racist and you won’t accidentally record yourself…. being a racist.

If you’re a bit of a doos, then chances are, you’re going to get caught out with modern technology at some point.
That’s exactly what happened to former Volksblad editor – Jonathan Crowther – this week.
He was “removed from all Afriforum structures” and had his membership revoked after he accidentally recorded himself using the k-word – and then sent it to a Whatsapp group.
The reason for Crowther’s ire?
Speedbumps. He was recorded saying some speedbumps in Bloemfontein is “k***** kak op sy heel foken beste is”, Die Burger reported on Saturday.
This message was sent to an Afriforum group.
Afriforum said that they received a written apology from Crowther which they viewed as an admission of guilt. They immediately and permanently removed his Afriforum membership.
Crowther admitted that he “made a big mistake” by “expressing himself in crass language he doesn’t usually use”. He also said that he was “ashamed”.
He added that “spyt kom altyd te laat”…but look, if you’re not a doos in the first place then maybe you won’t be spyt, neh?