ADvTECH and the IIE offer assistance to Educor students
ADvTECH says they support Educor students and are committed to supporting them in successfully completing their qualification.

ADvTECH and the IIE one of the private education provider have promised to support Educor students that were affected by the deregistration of the colleges.
ADvTECH as plan B for Educor students
ADvTECH has willingly offered to assist students who were left stranded in their academic career by Educor.
The brands of ADvTECH include IIE Varsity College, IIE MSA, IIE Vega and IIE Rosebank College.
Director of The Independent Institute of Education, Shevon Lurie stated that they are going to support any student Educor student and they are going to assist them by finishing their qualifications.
“Our focus is to support former Educor students to successfully obtain their qualification, without extending their study period wherever possible,” says Lurie.
According to a statement that was released by IIE, they established a central process and will direct inquiries through the Registrar’s office to promptly and accurately advise students.
They will be accommodated starting from Semester 2.
Each students financial circumstances and academic transcript will be will be comprehensively assessed.
According to IIE it will guide students through the necessary channels and steps to ensure they are fully informed. Given that the institution is already halfway through the first semester transfers will be facilitated for Semester 2.
They will conduct an academic credit mapping exercise for each student that would be involving the similarity between modules the student has completed and those in the transfer qualification.
If they match closely enough, the student will receive academic credits and be exempt from those modules.
Students will receive fee credits for the modules they are exempt from ,meaning the total program fee will be reduced by the cost of those modules.
Educor leaves students and staff stranded
Four Educor colleges left students and their staff stranded after they were deregistered by the department of Higher Education.
The minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande had a press briefing on Tuesday confirming that Educor colleges have been deregistered for having failed to submit financial statements for 2021 and 2022 together with tax clearance.
According to a statement release by the Higher Education Department the Educor colleges were to assist students to find other institutions to finish their studies.