Activist Zackie Achmat endorses #ZumaMustFall
More and more current and former ANC members are adding their voices to the chorus of people speaking out against Jacob Zuma.

Zackie Achmat is a pretty famous activist. He has campaigned tirelessly for people living with HIV/AIDS. He also supported the student protests of 1976.He joined the ANC, while serving a prison term. He has added his voice to chorus of those speaking out against president Jacob Zuma following the axing of finance minister Nhlanhla Nene, positing the following on his Facebook page.
Dear Friends
I unconditionally support #ZumaMustFall because he stands for tribalism, sexist patriarchy, corruption, lawlessness, the promotion class oppression, the opportunistic use of racism to hide crime in the state and the promotion of incompetence over professionalism.
Along with the #HIV denialism of #Mbeki which killed hundreds of thousands of Black people with the silent consent of the ANC leaders,#Zuma has destroyed the party I loved and was prepared to die for.
I support #ZumaMustFall because the impact of these policies and practices represent counter-revolution in its purest form.
I demand the equal right for our #White citizens to criticise government and to support #ZumaMustFall but not racism.
Any #White, #Indian or # Coloured racist who uses this moment of danger for our economy to spout their racism demonstrate their support for the return of #Apartheid. Racists are worse than #Zuma and the the #ANC.
I endorse the statement by Barbara Hogan and the Open Letter of Vusi Pikoli, Zwelinzima Vavi and others. ANC members with integrity must act in the interest of the country and their children.
Last, and most importantly, I support #ZumaMustFall because I am a socialist and the criminality his state represents destroys Black working-class lives. The Bantustan state he controls protects the systemic lawlessness of local and global corporations.
The action we engage in now must be angry, urgent, reflective and organised. Our critical engagement with gender, class and race injustice must not waver in the #ZumaMustFall movement.
Cover image: Getty images