Access to Internet – a human right, a government headache
Increasingly, access to the Internet is being viewed not as a privilege of the rich or first world, but as a crucial means to global development and education, and critics are calling South Africa’s slow official response to opening the spectrum prohibitive. Pressure is mounting for the Department of Communication and new communications minister Yunus Carrim to open up additional spectrum for Internet provision. The message from frustrated Internet service providers is clear: Internet access is a crucial public resource that drives development of the sector and business as a whole.

In July 2012, the United Nations’ Human Rights Council (UNHRC) unanimously backed a resolution that declared Internet access and online freedom of expression a basic human right. And according to a report by the Global Information and Communications Technology Department of the World Bank and IFC published in 2010, access to mobile services and inexpensive fast Internet assists development across all levels of the economy and society, plus economic growth of 1.3 percentage points is apparent for every 10 percentage-point increase in high-speed Internet connections.
Access advocates argue that projects like the white space initiative being run in the Western Cape by Google and its partners have already demonstrate the potential that opening the spectrum to data uses has. Even more white space will become available after the switch over to digital broadcasting. “Switching over to digital broadcasting will be the quickest way to increase the white spaces spectrum, because digital television uses less space on the frequency spectrum than analogue broadcasting technology does,” Mitchell Barker, CEO of WhichVoIP.co.za said in a press release distributed last week (13 Aug).
“This was supposed to have happened in South Africa already. The original deadline for migrating from analogue to digital was […] 2008, but due to frustrating legal delays, the new deadline has been pushed back to mid-2015,” he added. Minister Carrim has committed to increasing internet penetration and finding ways to reduce the cost of communications. Carrim is our fourth communications minister in four years and has come under intense scrutiny so early in his appointment because of the failings of his predecessors. He recently admitted that the department was “highly challenged” and that the country couldn’t afford slow progress in IT infrastructure roll-out. “We were just not meeting targets and we were behind,” admitted Carrim following his appointment.
“We have to move quickly. We have to confer with a wide range of stakeholders and ensure that we work in a less fractious and more consensual manner. By the standards of middle-income developing countries we are lagging behind in the ICT sector.” “There is no reason we cannot move with due expedition,” he added.
Read more about South African ICT infrastructure:
Faster connection for Africa
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