119-year-old South African woman could be world’s oldest person
119-year-old South African Johanna ‘Gogo’ Mazibuko could be the oldest person in the world, shifting Japan’s Misao Okawa from the Guinness World Record top spot.

According to her tattered South African ID book, Johanna ‘Gogo’ Mazibuko was born on 11 May 1894, making her 119 years old and therefore not only the oldest person in South Africa but the oldest person in the world.
Mazibuko has outlived five of her eight children and currently lives in Klerksdorp, south-west of Johannesburg, with her 77-year-old son Piet. He claims, “She is able to move on her own but cannot stand for a long time. She gets dizzy,” but refuses medication.
Although her eyesight has deteriorated and her knees are weak, the former domestic worker has lived through British colonial rule and apartheid and strongly recalls the country’s transition into a democratic state under Nelson Mandela in 1994.
Mazibuko cannot remember everything from the past eleven decades but she prides herself on still being able to make her bed every morning. The eldest of ten siblings, she also reportedly cooks, dresses herself and does the laundry, but her favourite hobby is watching television with her family.
South Africa’s home affairs ministry is verifying the authenticity of her identity papers, which were issued in 1986, in order to establish whether she is the country’s and indeed the world’s oldest living citizen.
Meanwhile, the Department of Social Development is planning on renovating her home and hosting a party for her.
According to The Guinness Book of World Records the oldest living person is 115-year-old Misao Okawa. She comes from Japan, the country with the most centenarians in the world, over 51,000.