Zonke joins celebs sponsoring student fees with random act of kindness
Singer-songwriter Zonke Dikanae has thrown a lifeline to an unemployed Johannesburg student who was willing to ‘try anything’ to resume her studies.

Award-winning singer and songwriter Zonke Dikana has received kudos for her random act of kindness towards a student who had given up on her dream of going back to university.
‘O jewa ke eng’
Bubu Sithole sent out a tweet on the popular thread, “O jewa ke eng”, which loosely translated means, “What’s bothering you?”
She then posted that she was packing her bags and getting ready to go home because she couldn’t afford to come up with the R17 000 which was required for her to register for the new academic year.
In total, Sithole owed R30 000 in outstanding fees and as is required by tertiary institutions, she could only return and complete her studies once she had paid off half of the debt.
Zonke Dikana comes to student’s rescue
“Went to the MEC for education in the Free State and they said they cannot help me because I’m from Johannesburg. I applied for a Fundi Eduloan, but it was declined. I’m gonna send through an appeal for NSFAS again this year. My heart aches so much, I just wanted to go to school. That’s all.
“Called my granny and she just said, “It’s okay, come home. You’ll try again next year,” wrote Sithole.
She added that she was willing to “try anything” and made an appeal for help with finding a job. Luckily for Sithole, Dikana saw her tweet and immediately offered to help her stay at university.
After receiving confirmation that Dikana had settled the entire amount for her university fees, Sithole sent out a thank you note.
Celebrities helping students in need
“Thank you so so much for all retweets, prayers and words of encouragement friends. I will never forget this day in my life. Ngyabonga sis @ZonkeMusic Kwande lapho uthatha khona. Thank you for believing that I’m deserving of this opportunity. My eyes leak but I’m happy,” Sithole later tweeted.
Dikana joins a list of celebrities who have contributed towards the study plans of those in need of funding. Rapper AKA donated R100 000 in cash to Wits University in 2019 after he was moved by the plight of the #FeesMustFall movement.
Through her Lighthouse Foundation, actress Nomzamo Mbatha has raised R540 000 in partnership with Hollywood Bets to put a select group of students through university.
“I’m so grateful to be able to be apart of changing the course of people’s lives, as was mine when a company, sponsored my tertiary studies when I was an 18-year-old girl full of potential but with nowhere to go…This was the first of many. I know that this fund will grow into millions to reach as far and wide as I possibly can,” said Mbatha.
Bonang Matheba’s bursary fund was started in 2017 and gifts 10 women with a scholarship at Boston College. Matheba says she aims to put 300 girls through university by 2021.