The Other Man: FW de Klerk and the end of Apartheid
A new documentary, realeased in New York last week, poignantly tells the story of FW de Klerk, The Other Man who brought down the apartheid regime that destroyed the lives of millions for decades
Released in New York last weekend, Nicolas Rossier’s The Other Man: F W de Klerk and the end of Apartheid has been met with mixed reviews. Regardless, it is clear that the documentary effortlessly and brilliantly tells of a story many overlooked. President FW de Klerk played an important role in the undoing of Apartheid in South Africa, and went from being the head of the Apartheid regime to Mandela’s deputy.
The story starts with the announcement of Nelson Mandela’s death by President Jacob Zuma. At Madiba’s funeral service, the master of ceremonies announces the living former presidents of South Africa. When he reaches De Klerk’s name, the crowd responds with applause for the peaceful leader. However, De Klerk appears unmoved and somewhat stoic.
FW de Klerk’s role as the last president of the last undemocratic regime of South Africa is rarely considered. Chester Crocker, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for the Reagan administration, once said, “There are not that many examples in history, of leaders who negotiate the end of their own system.” This is certainly true for De Klerk as he put aside his party’s beliefs and took part in a decision process that paved the way forward for South Africa.
In the movie, De Klerk tells a wonderful story of the first time he met Madiba. After he left that meeting, he knew there was no doubt the two could reach a compromise for the sake of the country they both loved. Shortly after this meeting, De Klerk took his senior cabinet minister to the government owned D’Nyala game reserve. Here De Klerk “tested” his cabinet and discussed objectives for the future of South Africa. De Klerk said boldly, “Something is inherently wrong and can’t be fixed by putting band-aid plasters on it, I came to the realisation we had to make a 180-degree turn.”
On 2 February 1990, South Africa changed forever with De Klerk’s momentous speech at the opening of parliament. The members of parliament who disagreed with the president walked out of the chamber, while De Klerk continued stripping away decades of laws that had restricted, squashed and obliterated the rights of the country’s majority. Never before in the history of South Africa had this happened. And it seems such a moment won’t happen again anytime soon. It’s mind-boggling that this was a mere 25 years ago.
Unrest and violence marked the years after Mandela’s release. The police unit, nicknamed the “Death Squad”, was situated at Vlakplaas and was used to kill and attempt to destroy the ANC and its supporters. This conflict unsettled both sides. De Klerk and Madiba however, were able to work together and attempt to move forward in these struggles, but not without some serious personal conflicts. Mandela told the world at his opening speech at the CODESA summit that De Klerk was not a man to be trusted. The uncomfortable partnership was certainly made more difficult by such moments.
What De Klerk knew regarding assassinations of ANC members and leaders remains unclear. The documentary does cover this in a fair, unbiased way. Investigations were ordered by De Klerk and no evidence was found that linked the government to knowing anything about the violence. But the fact that people were murdered and these murders were financed by the government is undeniable. De Klerk swears he knew nothing about murders and torture; and viewers are left to make up their minds themselves.
The main crux of the ending of apartheid is summed up perfectly with the explanation by Max du Preez, former investigative journalist, who said “Mandela was the most famous man in the world and he had carried the hopes and dreams of generations of Africans on his shoulders and he was the symbol of liberation. De Klerk thought he was the president of South Africa, and that he had said many times that the end of apartheid was my doing, I did that, I liberated you. And those two things really clashed.”
The Other Man: F W de Klerk and the end of Apartheid is certainly one of the most important accounts of this historic moment in South Africa’s history. It’s a powerful reflection on history that explores if South Africa’s transition to democracy was made more peaceful by FW De Klerk. He took a risk 25 years ago to pave a new way forward for South Africa. He’s been called a traitor, murderer and hero. One I am profoundly grateful for as a South African. But the documentary leaves you to make up your own mind.
The obvious and difficult questions this documentary raises are important. They are hard questions, but important ones. As a new democracy, how the new South Africa was shaped, and what role De Klerk played in dismantling apartheid. De Klerk did what many lesser men before him could not.
The documentary aims to be released in South Africa in June 2015. No doubt this will be amidst great controversy, but this documentary makes for important viewing whatever your opinion on the matter.
Photo by YouTube.com/NicolasRossier
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