Think before you ink: Points to consider before getting that tattoo
Think before you ink as getting a tattoo is a permanent mark on your skin – and that needle can be addictive…

In order to avoid regretting going for some ink, you may want to be sure of your decision because a tattoo lasts an entire lifetime.
Safety first
Check if your local health department has given the tattoo shop or the artist a licence.
Take a good look at the shop itself and ask yourself if it looks squeaky clean. Is it properly sanitised and are they following all the COVID-19 health protocols?
Notice also if your tattoo artist prepares fresh ink for you and unwraps a new needle in front of you. They should dispose of it after they have done your tattoo.
You do not know who was inked before you and you definitely do not want to contract anything.
Think before you ink
Tattoos are permanent but the way that you feel right now, just before you get a tattoo, may not be. This means you should think long and hard about the type of tattoo that you want.
Get a tattoo for yourself and nobody else and choose the subject carefully.
Having your mom’s name tatted isn’t a bad idea since your mom will always remain your mom! However, it may not be as wise to get the name of your current boyfriend or girlfriend inked on.
Do tattoo research
It is important to gather as much information about tattoos as possible. Try to find out as much as you can about your artist and the type of work that they have done before.
Know all the pros and cons associated with getting body permanent art.
For example, do you know that if you do not like it, you can get a cover-up? Or that you can get it removed — but at a hefty price?
Career choices
There are other aspects to consider before going for the needle. For example, did you know that you cannot get into the police service with visible tattoos?
According to the website Workopolis, 77% of employers are less likely to hire you if you have tattoos.
This has loosened up somewhat but, according to BBC News, having a visible tattoo is still frowned upon in certain professions, such as lawyers, doctors and surgeons, accountants and financial advisors.
Where tattoos are taboo
Ink is taboo if you ever hope to work in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Japan as in these countries showing one at work could actually get you fired.
Where they are permitted, you also must take care when choosing a design. According to award-winning blogger Mapping Megan, exposing any tattoo that symbolises the Nazi culture in any way in Germany, France and Slovakia may even lead to you getting arrested.
This means you need to be careful about:
- What you get inked;
- Your future career;
- Where you are likely to work one day.
Warning: Tattoos can be addictive
Another thing that a lot of people fail to mention about tattoos is that they can be addictive. Once you get one, some people cannot wait to get their next one.
For example, look at South African actress Nandi Mbatha, who is also a model and fashion influencer.
She uploaded this picture in February this year and, as you can see, there isn’t a single tat in sight.
This is her again on 18 May, sporting two tattoos.
Here we can barely see the two extra works of art but, look closely, you will see she brings the total to four on 20 May.
Then, in a sign that she truly enjoys ink, she gets another two tats, posted on 27 May.
Her latest body art was posted on 4 July.