The South African launches student funding drive for future of independent journalism
Support our student media campaign and help shape the future of independent journalism.

We are living in unprecedented times where poverty, massive skills shortages, unemployment and the stagnation of the economy pose an even greater threat than before due to the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown.
This call goes beyond the norm. It calls for solidarity in purpose and action. We all have to take that extra step to fight this national crisis on our doorstep. The often-quoted phrase by English poet John Donne seems particularly apt in regard to this call to action: No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…
Students under siege
The South African has embarked on a #gig4students campaign that seeks to address the financial, educational and emotional challenges students are facing during these troubled times.
Colleges and universities are taking the lockdown route of distant learning. Over and above a basic need of data to tune into classes, are the ongoing living expenses, fee payments, rent, etc and for cash-strapped students who are not able to supplement their income through their usual part-time jobs, even this basic requirement to continue their studies, has become an area of concern.
Empowering future writers
Our vision, however, stretches further than the here and now.
Apart from providing immediate financial relief, we aim to empower and equip budding writers with a skills set that will set them on the path of independent journalism. With fresh perspectives on politics, social norms and cultures, student media has the prospect of becoming a space that hosts some of the most groundbreaking projects out there.
The South African will host our student voices on the specially created #gig4students platform. Students will get paid for their published submissions, as well as get exposure in the journalistic field and build their portfolio to enter the job market once they’ve completed their studies.
Here’s how you can get involved
In order to fund our project, we’ve created a BackaBuddy crowdfunding campaign where funders can contribute and support the future of independent journalism and provide financial relief to students.
All the funds raised will be used to pay students to write for The South African.
We envisage a future were young people can be the difference they want to see in the world through the power of the media.
To donate to our cause, visit our BackaBuddy campaign page here.