Stop hugging your dogs, they absolutely hate it
No more hugs for Brakkenjan. It stresses them out.
An article published recently in Psychology Today,Stanley Coren — who studies canine behavior at the University of British Columbia makes draws some horrible conclusions about hugging your furry pal.
While we might love snuggling up to Brakkenjan, physical contact apparently stresses dogs out.
Coren writes that a dog’s most common outward signal of stress or anxiety is when he “turns his head away from whatever is bothering or worrying him, sometimes also closing his eyes, at least partially.” They also show the whites of their eyes and their ears will be “lowered or slicked against the side of his head”.
The research was done by combing through 250 photos on Google Images and Flickr of people hugging dogs. The team looked out for these signs of distress and found that almost 82 percent of the dogs showed those signs.
Now, while we admit that the data is hardly foolproof, you ‘ve probably recognized some signs described above. Belly rubs and head pats are OK, apparently, but snuggles are out of the question