South African beekeeper works tirelessly to supply SA’s honey demand
A third-generation beekeeper discovered that more than half of the honey sold in SA is imported, so she is working to produce enough honey to supply the local honey demand.

Beekeeper, Mokgadi Mabela started a honey brand called Native Nosi which sells raw honey that is harvested by rural farmers. Mabela keeps control over the quality of the honey she sells by knowing exactly where each bottle of honey comes from.
She says, “I can tell you exactly where the honey in every pot comes from. With other honeys, some other processed honeys, you can’t really tell it’s origins. It once was honey but all the good enzymes that make it honey have been removed.”
Native Nosi is in such high demand that Mabela wants to increase her output from 200kg of honey a month to 1000kg.
“Word of mouth has been the biggest reason for our growth. Someone will have some honey at a friend and get our number. This is how we’ve grown, this person wants and the next person wants. I don’t formally advertise and already I am overwhelmed.”
Because demand is higher than supply, Mabela can no longer just rely on supply from other farmers, so she has begun to harvest honey herself.
“Eventually I started buying my own beehives and would set them up where my father had his. I always seem to be chasing quantity. People like my honey because it’s authentic. People want to know where their food comes from and how their food is produced and I can tell them that.”
Mabela is well aware of the exploitation that can take place with the selling of produce, so Mabela feels it is her duty to help rural farmers where she can by offering them a fair price for their honey.
“These are small farmers in rural areas who do not have access to markets. They are all subsistence farmers who use bees to pollinate their crops. Honey is a byproduct. They don’t have access to a market for their honey so they sell it cheap because it’s not their priority. I am trying to change that. Giving them a market and a fair price.”
Although Mabela is a third generation beekeeper, she admits she still has a lot to learn. But she has learned what she has so far from her grandfather and father, and she intends to continue the family tradition, despite studying political science and international relations at university.
Read: Entrepreneurial SA woman puts plans in place to save South Africa’s bee population
Initially, Mabela was disinterested in the farming of bees, but when her father got very ill, she realized that if he were to die, no one would be able to carry his beekeeping legacy to any of the generations to follow.
“That’s when I seriously began thinking about the honey business,” she said.
Watch some more of Mabela’s story below.
At the moment, Native Nosi can be bought in Gauteng or from Mabela herself.