Scientists have found a happy spot in the brain
Almost everyone wants to be happy and scientists believe they have found the part of the brain responsible for controlling all the feels, all the happiness feels anyway.

Researches at Kyoto University looked the neural structures that cause people to be happy. Wataru Sato led the research and believes he found the key to what makes us stoked, using an MRI.
There were a number of ways used to find out what makes people happy.
First, an MRI was used to scan the brains of the participants to measure their subjective happiness as well as the emotions they felt.
Researchers evaluated two key parameters: an emotional component and a cognitive component. They gave participants a questionnaire to discover if they were happy or not, to determine the intensity of their emotions, and to find out the degree of satisfaction with their lives.
Those who got high scores had more grey matter in their precuneus.
The precuneus sits in the parietal lobe of your brain (located at the top of your head, towards the back) . It is also responsible for memory, self-reflection and aspects of consciousness.
Scientists concluded that the precuneus of happy people or those who tended to feel emotions in a positive, more intense way, giving their life meaning, was bigger in size.
While this will offer some insight into Aristotle’s pontifications, it’s not going to help people who suffer from depression. More research still needs to be done both into depression and what makes the brain feel “happy”.