Brave new world: Same-sex penguin couple become proud foster parents
A same-sex New York penguin couple have just become foster parents to a little chick and are reportedly doing a stellar job!

A pair of male New York penguins have just become parents after they successfully hatched a little egg together. According to reports, the pair started living together during the penguin mating season and even started a nest together.
They were then tested to see if they could take care of an egg and after successfully passing the challenge, they were given an egg that successfully hatched.
Same-sex penguins successfully become parents
Elmer and Lima are a couple of Humboldt penguins who have just successfully hatched an egg together after they took turns warming the egg while waiting for it to hatch.
The two male penguins started living together during mating season and because they were so devoted to each other, zookeepers decided to test them to ascertain whether they could adopt a baby penguin.
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And so they were given a dummy egg to take care of and surprisingly, they did an amazing job.
The little one is doing well
Daily Mail reports that zoo officials at Rosamond Gifford Zoo then decided to give the two penguins a real egg that belonged to a couple who seemingly always breaks them.
Once they were given the fertilized egg, the penguins took turns sitting on it and keeping it warm until it successfully hatched on New Years Day this year.
“It was their first time fostering and they really knocked it out of the park,” the zoo’s bird manager, April Zimpel, said at the time.
The publication also reports that the little penguin is quite healthy and weighs just under 222 grams. According to Zoo Director Ted Fox, she has not been given a name yet.
“It continues to be brooded and cared for by both Elmer and Lima, who are doing a great job,” Fox said in a zoo statement.
“And once they have experience doing this and continue to do it well, they will be considered to foster future eggs.”
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