USD-ZAR spikes to 11.2250
The Rand depreciated against the US Dollar yesterday, closing at USD-ZAR 11.21, compared with Wednesday’s close of USD-ZAR 11.13.

Intraday, the USD-ZAR broke through the USD-ZAR 11.18 resistance level, spiking to 11.2250, a level last seen at the beginning of February 2014. The Rand’s depreciation against the greenback occurred into a mixed performance from the Dollar against the major crosses, and into weakness across all of the commodity and EM currencies we monitor.
The Dollar strengthened against the Euro and the Pound, while weakening against the Yen.
The Rand depreciated against all of the major crosses, with the biggest move seen against the Yen (-0.9%).
As mentioned before, all of the commodity and EM currencies we monitor for the purposes of this report depreciated on the day. The Rand has taken up the middle position in the commodity currencies category and is occupying the fourth-best position in the EM currencies category (beaten only by the INR, IDR and THB — all of which depreciated against the Dollar by a lesser amount than the Rand).
With regard to commodity prices, gold and Brent rose by 0.4% and 0.1% respectively. Copper and platinum fell by 0.7% and 0.4% respectively.
Non-residents were significant net sellers of local equities (-ZAR 708 million) and were moderate net sellers of local bonds (-ZAR 407 million).