Online VAT fraud in the UK
HMRC has identified and red-flagged over 4,600 online sellers who are not paying the correct amount of VAT and are using online marketplaces (such as eBay or Amazon).

Under new rules introduced in 2016, the online marketplaces can be accountable for VAT fraud committed by online sellers on their platforms.
Joint and Several Liability (JSL) notices are sent to online marketplaces by HMRC when sellers are identified that use their platform and do not pay the correct amount of VAT due. If the seller is not removed from the site, the marketplace will be pursued for any future unpaid VAT by those sellers.
Since the new rules were introduced, HMRC has sent thousands of JSL notices to online marketplaces and seen over £200m of extra VAT being declared by these overseas sellers. HMRC has estimated that the tax loss from VAT fraud and error on online marketplaces exceeds £1 billion per year. The introduction of the new rules has also seen a significant increase in the number of applications for VAT registration by overseas businesses as well as over £200m of extra VAT being declared by overseas sellers.
HMRC is also encouraging all online marketplaces operating in the UK to sign an agreement to help tackle online VAT fraud and errors taking place on their platforms. The latest version of the list was published on 3 September 2018. The list of signatories’ numbers just seven entities but does include Amazon and eBay, two of the largest marketplaces operating in the UK.
For more information, please contact Exceed.