Can I still call South Africa home?
A few thoughts on the place I was raised and the place I’ve taken up residence and what makes either “home”.

Planning a trip home later this year is exciting. Not only is it a long-awaited reunion with family and friends, but I get to introduce my hometown to my boyfriend – who has never visited South Africa.
Describing the mountain, blue sky, beaches and the delicate balance between warmth and coastal wind, I again found myself referring to Cape Town as home.
Reminding myself of “If home is where the heart is then I most certainly have two” written a couple of years ago, it seems that not much has changed. During this time I did attain the residency I was about to apply for and have also completed the next step (and last) of citizenship. As a card and passport carrying fully fledged nationalised Brit, can I still call Cape Town home?
While the bureaucratic formalities have been completed (including a recently renewed little green book) I don’t feel completely genuine declaring myself a Brit.
Travelling to Europe is now easy as pie – I was almost insulted when a Dutch border agent barely lifted his head as he scanned my passport when I arrived in Amsterdam. (I wanted acknowledgment for the long and expensive process to obtain it.) At the same time phrases like ‘ja bru’ and ‘sies man’ have become commonplace for my Yorkshire born boyfriend.
The fabled seven-year itch came and went and I almost need to pinch myself when reminded how many years it’s been since I landed on this island with not much more than one suitcase and a sense of adventure.
I will stand by the notion that South Africa is the home that made me and Britain is the home I’ve chosen. I have a feeling once my boyfriend has seen the tablecloth over the mountain and been taken on a wine route he may want a little green book of his own.