#Afro-Optimist in London: The greatest risk to the future of South Africa
South Africans are quick to lose perspective and believe the sky is falling. We all need to calm down.
Control Risks, a globally-renowned political risk and investigations firm, recently released its top five risks facing South Africa.
It does this every year for virtually every country around the world. Based in multiple jurisdictions, it offers multinationals and blue-chip firms sought-after intelligence and insight into what the future may hold.
The first four risks were relatively standard fare for a risk analysis of almost any African country. They could even apply to virtually the entire developing world to varying degrees. They deal with economic growth, crime and corruption, and service delivery.
What caught my eye, however, was the fifth risk. It was so unusual for a report of this nature – so uniquely South African – that a friend who works in the due diligence industry was completely caught off guard when I mentioned it.
An international risk firm believes that the fifth greatest risk to the future of South Africa is South Africans’ propensity to lose perspective.
That’s right. We can’t keep our shit together.
A key player in assessing and creating the perception of South Africa abroad thinks that doom and gloom headlines plunge us into such a state of soul-searching and navel-gazing that we lose the ability to assess things objectively.
Control Risks believes that if South Africans can’t maintain perspective on the country’s challenges, we shouldn’t expect outsiders to do so either.
It’s an important lesson. One that we must heed. It doesn’t negate the challenges we face, but it gives us pause for thought on how we respond to trying times.
As such, presented herewith is an Afro-optimist’s guide to Afro-optimism 101. It’s by no means exhaustive, but should set us back on track. When you’ve read one too many shrieking headlines about the impending Armageddon, and stealthily contemplate packing for Perth, try to:
1. Look up. Take a breath. Step back.
Start considering the world around you and realise that nowhere is perfect and everywhere has its own struggle. Read an international newspaper. Find a foreign forum online. Engage. Impeachment hearings in Brazil; anti-LGBT legislation in Russia; race riots in the US. Trouble is both universal and contextual.
2. Understand that the grass isn’t always greener.
Happiness is a choice, both personally and professionally. Your approach affects everything.
3. Realise nothing is permanent.
Situations change. Democracies mature. Presidents leave office. Power shifts, constantly. The only constant in life is change. Effect that change.