A round up of The Starfish Foundation’s autumn events in London
With the festive season just around the corner, Starfish have got some great ideas to keep you warm as you wave goodbye to summer

Want to support over 17,000 vulnerable children affected by HIV? Attend one of Starfish’s events this autumn and you can help make a difference.
Wine tasting master class
Join them on November 13th for their annual wine tasting master class, hosted by Investec and legendary South African wine writer Dave Hughes to taste your way through wines of the world and learn more about food and wine pairing. Last year’s event sold out in record time, so book up early.
Calling all wombles
Wimbledon Pedal Studio is holding a 12 hour Spinning marathon on 29th November 9am – 9pm. Bring a team of up to six, enjoy 12 hours of instructor led classes, and some well earned mince pies.
Once December digs in you can don your Santa outfit and join the thousands of Santas, elves and Rudolfs running around Victoria Park for a good cause.
Dinner of Hope
If entertaining at home is more your thing, join the diners around the world raising funds and awareness by hosting a Dinner of Hope. The idea is simple — invite your friends to supper and ask them to donate to Starfish instead of bringing chocolates or flowers. If you are feeling even more ambitious you could host a swing dance night like Shivani, or perhaps run 31 marathons in 31 days like Kieran. The opportunities to get involved and make a difference are endless and sure to keep you cosy whilst bringing Christmas cheer to the children they care for.
Starfish supports over 17,000 vulnerable children affected by HIV and poverty in South Africa. With malnourishment, HIV and childhood illnesses key drivers of under-5 mortality and diarrhoea still a leading cause of death under 5s, they have just launched an urgent appeal. Get involved and help them roll out the new Wellness Wagon Programme, a mobile health clinic, bringing desperately needed healthcare to rural communities.