More than 300 years of making the world’s best sweet wine, even Napoleon agreed
And it’s not just him. Klein Constantia’s world-famous Vin De Constance has charmed even the likes of Jane Austin and Charles Dickens; and it keeps getting better.

With the launch of Klein Constantia’s 2011 Vin de Constance, the world famous estate and it’s relatively new winemaker Matthew Day are ushering in a great new vintage; with the prestige the world has come to know, further perfected.
Now, while some would say ‘if it aint’ broke, don’t fix it’, that wouldn’t exactly be the right way to describe the constant evolution of Vin de Constance. The farm still makes use of Muscat de Frontignon, cloned from the original Vin de Constance block; but these days they keep the block apart from any others, so you see it’s really just adding a spoke or two, rather than reinventing the wheel.
Ok so we know that the wine is awesome, possibly the best sweet wine South Africa produces and by far one of the most famous – culturally speaking – sweet wines in the world; but what’s the big deal? Why is it so special?
Well, for starts they’re only bottling 24 000 of the 2011 Vin de Constance; secondly, the grapes themselves are grown as bush vines – yeah, you can taste it – and in a small departure from the way they used to do it, the time spent in the barrel has decreased somewhat.
The product: a sweet wine without that clawing, saccharine palate, retaining all the complexity and heart that had Napolean Bonaparte order around 1,126 liters per year throughout his imprisonment.
Oh and it that’s not enough, here are some of the most influential authors in history’s thoughts on it.
Vin de Constance should be had for “its healing powers on a disappointed heart.” Jane Austin, Sense and Sensibility.
“As, whenever the Reverend Septimus fell a-musing, his good mother took it to be an infallible sign that he ‘wanted support,’ the blooming old lady made all haste to the dining-room closet, to produce from it the support embodied in a glass of Constantia and a home-made biscuit.” Charles Dickens, The Mystery of Edwin Drood.
“Even more than Constantia, than opium, than Nuits, I prefer the elixer of your mouth, where love performs its slow dance.” Charles Baudelaire, sed non satiata
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