How to NOT be excluded from SASSA old-age grants in May 2024
Keep up to date with the latest agency developments to ensure you’re not excluded from SASSA old-age grants in May 2024.

The South African Social Security Agency disburses Older Person stipends tomorrow, Friday 3 May 2024. But here are all the reasons why you could be excluded from SASSA old-age grants. Specifically, the Department of Social Development (DSD) recently amended its recovery processes for irregular payments.
Moreover, this follows years of erroneous payments amounting to millions of Rands to ‘long-dead people’. It is for this reason that you may inadvertently be excluded from SASSA old-age grants in May 2024. Let’s explain …

Essentially, along with increases to April’s old-age SASSA grants, the agency has also gazetted regulations to, “Recover any and all monies paid to a person that was not entitled to benefit from a SASSA grant.” What that means is your application for a SASSA old-age pension needs to be watertight in 2024.
And no dishonesty around your asset and means test will be tolerated by the agency. As The South African has reported previously, you will never have to reapply for a SASSA state pension, but the agency will review your status from time to time to make sure you’re circumstance have not suddenly improved.

Therefore, to ensure you receive your pay out tomorrow of R2 180 (60-years old) and R2 200 (over 75), you must make sure you’re in compliance of the following criteria:
- Obviously, grants will automatically lapse if you pass away. This is so another family member, friend or anyone else does not continue claiming your grant.
- You must live permanently in South Africa. If you’ve moved out of the country, you must alert authorities.
- If you move into a state care institution. If you move into a state care institution, you’ll no longer qualify for financial assistance.
- You start to receive payments from another social grant. You are not allowed to receive more than one SASSA grant at a time. Older Persons and War Veterans or Disability, for example.
The most common reason beneficiaries are excluded from SASSA old-age grants is because their circumstance change. So the social welfare system is not taken advantage of, the agency stipulates income reflecting in your bank accounts may not exceed the following:
- R86 280 per year (if single). This is R7 190 per month.
- R172 560 per year (if married). This is R14 380 per month.
The accrued assets in your name may not exceed:
- R1 227 600 (if single).
- R2 455 200 (if married).

Thankfully, if you’re ever excluded from SASSA old-age grants, the agency must inform you in writing. So, it will not come as a nasty surprise. Thereafter, you do have the right to appeal the decision to the Department of Social Development. Follow this highlighted LINK, fill in all the relevant forms and lodge an appeal within 90 days of your exclusion.

Furthermore, you should take note of the below dates for the rest of 2024 old-age grant payments:
- Friday 3 May 2024.
- Tuesday 4 June 2024.
- Tuesday 2 July 2024.
- Friday 2 August 2024.
- Tuesday 3 September 2024.
- Wednesday 2 October 2024.
- Tuesday 5 November 2024.
- Tuesday 3 December 2024.

NEXT READ: UPDATED info: May 2024 SASSA Older Persons grants
Do you worry you’ll be excluded from SASSA old-age grants in May 2024? Be sure to share your thoughts with our audience in the comments section below. And don’t forget to follow us @TheSANews on X and The South African on Facebook for the latest updates.